About Us

CrowdNode is founded with the aim of providing easy, trustworthy and secure Masternode hosting for everyone.

CrowdNode Team

We are a team with a great blend of experience, skills and at the same time passion and believe in digital currencies. 

Andreas Rud

Andreas Rud

Founder & CEO
Peter Thornton

Peter Thornton

Founder & CIO
Thomas Orloff

Thomas Orloff

Founder & CFO
Peter Vesborg

Peter Vesborg

Founder & Board Member

is our motto


We have set up CrowdNode in order to provide a service that is secure and trustworthy.

We want to be transparent to our members. Both in terms of ownership as well as how we have structured masternodes and the payments system.

We are aware of the great responsibility it takes to hold peoples’ private keys. We have spent a great amount of time in structuring how to gain the highest degree of security for our members as well as for our business. You can read more about our procedures in our security section.

Our company information

CrowdNode ApS
Strynøgade 7
2100 København Ø

CVR: 39460521