Transparency Report Quarter 1 2020

Transparency Report Quarter 1 2020

In January CrowdNode had its reward #1000 and the number is just rising Apart from that, Q1 in 2020 was relatively quiet, possibly also due to the Corona-situation across the globe. From this point onwards we change reporting procedure, so that a formal transparency...
A CrowdNode perspective on 2019

A CrowdNode perspective on 2019

CrowdNode started the year 2019 on a big wave. Having launched our service on mainnet less than 4 months earlier, we already had 14 masternodes and 172 members with a balance on our platform. This fast, initial growth however, slowed down considerably during 2019 and...
Monthly Transparency Report December 2019

Monthly Transparency Report December 2019

Dear CrowdNoder’s, December was a bearish month for Dash, despite for positive news in regards to Dash evolution. We managed to regain the 29th masternode and for the first time we had more than 100 rewards in a month. Enjoy the reading 🙂 Cheers, The...